Maxwell House: Labor on Labor Day

Many of us take Labor Day for granted. It’s a day off from work that we look forward to and a time to celebrate the unofficial end of summer with friends and family.

It is also, most importantly, a day that honors the American labor movement and the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, laws and well-being of the country. But, many workers don’t get to enjoy the holiday as a day of leisure—one in four will be working on the holiday.

Maxwell House wanted to bring attention to the fact that while many of us are picnicking or relaxing at the beach, many people do have to work on Labor Day — people that work hard, yet often go unnoticed.

With #LaborOnLaborDay, we wanted to feature stories of hardworking Americans like the Ohio semi-truck driver Ron Kline. It is a story that is incomprehensive to most of us — Kline has worked for more than 53 years without taking a day off. A short film profiles Kline and his family and his dedication to hard work. At the end of the video, Maxwell House bestows a major gift on Kline and his family — their first vacation.

We took this charge to Twitter, asking consumers to tweet photos of themselves (or someone they know) working during the holiday, ultimately giving us a chance to reward a few more hardworking Americans with a paid day off.


A 6% lift in ad recall for consumers aged 18 and over (YouGov)

A 5% lift in purchase intent for consumers aged 18 and over (YouGov)

YouGov’s analysis also revealed that 61% of current and former Maxwell customers think that success in America depends on hard work, compared to 57% of all U.S. adults.

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